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Several producers, cast members and even Megan Boone have routinely stated that the show would be over if "Daddygate" is definitively answered. Boone goes on to say," It will come at the end of the series." With that said, why do so many people believe we have a definitive answer to "Daddygate"? If it would spell the end of the series, why would they reveal the answer so early in Season 2? They didn't...plain and simple. Want proof? I did my homework. Proof is below. Also check out the quote from Bokencamp who states "the over all plot continues to evolv as the series goes on." In other words, nothing is set in stone.>>>>>

BOKENCAMP INTERVIEW EXCERPT: "Obviously the show would be over if we reveal the answer to "Who is Red to Liz." I'm guessing a definitive answer will come at the end of the series."

MEGAN BOONE INTERVIEW EXCERPT: Could it be a father/daughter one? Boone's lips are sealed, but she said it's a "very good guess." BOKENCAMP INTERVIEW EXCERPT: **Interviewer: We still don't know if Red is Liz's father. Is that the question you get from fans the most? Bokenkamp: Yes, he's a very experienced older man and she is a young, sort of rather inexperienced person in her life. So there's a natural paternal thing going on there. That is a question that I think people like to speculate about. I think it's a good one. She asked him that question point-blank and he answered, "No." But like Red said in the pilot, "I'm a criminal. Everything about me is a lie." Who can really trust anything the guy says? **

BOKENCAMP INTERVIEW EXCERPT: **Interviewer: One question the show seemingly answered in the finale is that Red is not Agent Keen's ( Megan Boone) father. Bokencamp: "You have to ask yourself whether he revealed the truth or not, right?" ** BOKENCAMP INTERVIEW EXCERPT: **As to the question of what the relationship is between Red and Liz? And are we likely to find that out this season or down the road? JOHN: Yes and no. JON: Yes and no. JON: Yeah. There is absolutely a definitive answer and it is something that we’ll take hopefully many years to answer. But it will certainly not be something that we will lay out right upfront here. JOHN: But we will, as I feel like we’ve done the first ten episodes, we’ll continue this year to give concrete answers to that and other big questions. They may not just be the final answer.**

BOKENCAMP INTERVIEW EXCERPT: Comic Con: Have you always had ending in mind or has that changed since the first season? Bokencamp: "Well yes, there is certainly an ending in mind – one that we’re constantly writing to and around. The question of who is Reddington to Elizabeth Keen is the central conceit to the show. The central question on the show is of whether Reddington is the rookie FBI agent’s father, but we’re really not going to answer that. Not for a good while."

AND HERE: "Megan says show would be over if the father/daughter question answered."

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